Hello! Hooray! Let the show begin,
I've been ready.
Hello! Hooray! Let the lights grow dim,
I've been ready.
God, I feel so strong.
I feel so strong.
I'm so strong.
I feel so strong.
So strong.
God, I feel so strong,
I am so strong.
If I keep going in this vein, maybe, just maybe, I will be able to persuade myself I am not worried about tonight.
Repeat endlessly throughout the day (plus all of tomorrow should the unthinkable happen and we lose)...."It is only a game of football."
Anyone else LOVE Alice Cooper?
For this special Quiztime, something unusual is about to happen. You are
going to be presented with ten questions from a guest quiz setter. She is
8 hours ago
Doesn't everybody love Alice?
On the subject of the game tonight....
"We're gonna win this one, take the country by storm"
Hope you get a result against Millwall. They're just a bunch of soft southerners. I know this cos I watched Celebrity Wife Swap on Sunday with Pete Burns living with Razor Ruddock. Very funny.
alice cooper? whos she?
Good luck JJ I hope you beat them too. I remember the last time Carlisle played them at home - there was a MASSIVE police presence and all the fans were escorted to the grounds in a large chanting mass. Vince and I didn't realise what was going on, what was this distant chanting all about? We were walking home from shopping in town and rounded a corner and suddenly there they were surrounded by police. Serves us right from living a stone's throw from Brunton Park.
So sorry that Millwall gave your lads "one hell of a beating"! Surely that means that Reidski now has the power to use you in whatever way he wishes! I guess that means cleaning his oven!
Oh, I'll put my hat on.
J.J. What exactly were the terms of your wager on this with Reidski??
Steg - we were not, in the event, exactly a top prime cut of beef.
Kev - Are you kidding me about that programme???? It sounds too good to be true.
Cookie - oh dear! You young ones.
Karen - they are a bunch of pussy cats really. Or at least they are if they win...they were very smiley and friendly after Tuesday night...sob.
YP - yes, that oven was in a right bloody state and all!
Joe - too late for the hat!
Marc - that's personal, but great fun too!
I love Alice Cooper, its a shame his politics suck though!
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