Tomorrow I will be on an over night flight to Johannesburg. Then until Friday I will be staying here, until Friday night when I will fly back home again to land at some god awful early hour on Saturday morning. Reidski has asked me not to ring the minute I land. And I don't blame him.
I still don't believe this is really happening, but thanks to the incredible generosity of my very very good friend, a group of 17 of us are South Africa bound. Could be we will take quite a lot of stick if the inevitable happens at the end of this little match.
I remember when I would starve rather than purchase a South African apple. And here I am jumping up and down with excitement because I am actually going to visit that country.
Bit worried about the necessity to wee when out on safari now I have seen this...
South Africa is home to numerous snake species : Puff Adder, Horned Adder, Many-horned Adder, Black Mamba, Green Mamba, Snouted Cobra, Mozambique Spitting Cobra, Boomslang, African Rock Python, Eastern Tiger Snake, Rinkhals, Southern Vine or Twig Snake to name but a few.
Anyway, back soon. Hopefully not with the tale of how my bum came to sustain a snake bite.
For this special Quiztime, something unusual is about to happen. You are
going to be presented with ten questions from a guest quiz setter. She is
14 hours ago
I don't know what kind of snake Reidski's got but mine is definitely a snouted cobra. Have a great adventure! Life is for living.
Ew! Pud! Must make things difficult for you with the ladies...
Bon voyage, jj!
Have a fabby time!!
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