For this special Quiztime, something unusual is about to happen. You are
going to be presented with ten questions from a guest quiz setter. She is
14 hours ago
Or at least it is between the months of August through to May. The rest of the time I may feel able to write about something other than a not especially successful football team.
It's now 8.59, have you succeeded yet???
Lazy starts are such a guilty luxury at a certain age, unless of course your with the man of your dreams then they are uterly essential!!!
It's monday already so hope you're up now!!
It was Sunday. I hope you just pulled the covers over your head and went back to dreaming.
Pixie - it was lovely having a long lazy lie in - blogging in bed too!
Hi Chopski - welcome! I just about made it in time for work yesterday morning.
Joe - I was very tempted, but long over due house hold chores could not be ignored any longer.
Five past eleven! Well done! Usually it is only the young who can lie a-bed till noon. Lying in becomes a distant memory for some of us but it is a real tonic in our hectic lives - especially if there's a nubile young lady next to you... or failing that a mature Scottish professional gentleman of comfortable means.
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