The weather has been vindictive all week. Example one. Reidski and I go to Kew Gardens (or rather, to be 100% correct, Reidski and I DON'T go to Kew Gardens). Now OK- I now realise it was my fault when I said we could go by car rather than tube, but that is because I didn't realise the true horror that is driving in London. A journey of 14.7 miles (I just checked the distance and am in shock!) took us 2 and a half hours - maybe longer- and then, when we were literally in sight of Kew Gardens it without any warning whatsoever (No, not so much as a bellowed, 'Look out! I am about to rain!') suddenly pelted it down with rain so heavy the window wipers couldn't cope. We just cracked up laughing and knowing when we were beaten retired to a very nice riverside pub instead.
Example 2. We went to Brighton. Sunny when we left London it was dull, overcast, misty and spitting with rain in Brighton. As we left in as we passed the 'Welcome to Brighton' sign on the other side of the road...out came the sun and it was a beautiful evening. Whilst we were in Brighton by the way, we had a lovely kiss on the groyne. No, that is not a spelling mistake, and the groyne is as illustrated.......
Not that the weather stopped us having a really great time. Now I'm just looking forward to seeing him again, but windy field ordeal awaits. Oh Lucky Me.
Clearly thou art cursed. And the Lord said, seek out the maidens of Satan and damn them with the spite of the heavens and let them wander o'er the field of Golgotha for Eternity.
Bless ya. Still, when you have love to keep you warm and dry, who cares?!
Oh, *there* you are, wondered where you'd got to...
Thank you for the spelling confirmation.
YP, Golgotha for eternity huh...could be worse. The fallen angels in Dogma got Wisconsin.
Lisa - I hardly noticed the elements, tho' thinking about it, Reidski moaned a lot. Oh dear.
Hiya Anxious, yes - hidden away playing hard to get:-)
Joe, I think such clarity can be VERY important at times.
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