'Oooh, you are awful . . . '
Dick Emery's in the house.
I've been around league darts players too much.
5 hours ago
Or at least it is between the months of August through to May. The rest of the time I may feel able to write about something other than a not especially successful football team.
that's what I call a result JJ. Meanwhile, On teesside fans are possibly a tad less enamoured with Boro who allowed the mackems to score after seventy five seconds. Perhaps they should send the players down to Northampton for a bit of a refresher course. They might be able to last out a whole two minutes then...
I don't really like football, so not sure what you're on about JJ!! Glad that your team won, nevertheless!
>>I don't really like football...<<
Not liking it much myself these days. Funny, had you deffo pegged for a cricket man! Bit of a drubbing on Kev's there....If Hoops are in the market for a new manager, I think a certain Dutch bloke might be free any day now....
I think he said "Jolly bad show lads but always remember it is the taking part that matters, not the winning!"
Just then the goalkeeper muttered "Cobblers!"
Oh dear Arthur - I am sorry for your pain.
Reidski - no mate, football is GREAT - when you're team is winning it is anyway. You must remember how that feels??
Marc, you as well! Well I don't liek what is going on at Spurs. Jol is lovely!
YP - I think you could be on the right track with a few more expletives added.
Noticed that Andy Kirk plays for youse now JJ. And scored at the weekend.
He was the first player my daughter ever saw score at Easter Road, back in 2000. It was her first match to see Hibs and Kirk scored for the Jambos.
However it all ended well... Hibs scored six, eventually winning 6-2. In her youthful naivety Marie thought the OTT celebrations all over Leith that Sunday night were the norm and wanted to come to all the games after that. As if. But seven years later she still comes to the Hibs games with me.
JJ If you ever see Andy Kirk ask him if he has similar happy memories of that wonderful wonderful day...
Yes Kev, and he's had 5 goals for us so far this season so we are pretty happy with him, even if he did once play for Hearts. Maybe I won't ask him about that 6-2 drubbing though if it is all the same to you - I hate to see a grown man cry.
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