'Oooh, you are awful . . . '
Dick Emery's in the house.
I've been around league darts players too much.
5 hours ago
Or at least it is between the months of August through to May. The rest of the time I may feel able to write about something other than a not especially successful football team.
Awh, your love has had such an effect you used a semi-colon instead of an apostrophe...
That's so sweet!
(You know I'm teasing, right?!)
PS at first I spelt it as "apostraphe". Would have kinds undercut my point I think...!!!
oooh JJ you just made me lose my cheddar and red onion marmalade sandwich!
only kidding, i know how you feel about that - long distance love sucks. can't beat that feeling of excitement knowing you're going to see them though :)
it is crap being separated during the week. We've lived like that in times in the past, although Mrs Clewley I think got quite used to it and was a bit disappointed when we ended up actually living together again
Have a fab weekend.
I enjoy long distance relationships, the excitment of getting together.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! sweet!
Have a lovely jubbly weekend together! x
you know what? ive got the sneaking suspicion you and reidski are an item.....
Smitten like a teenager. Ye big softie! Sometimes it feels so good to be alive.
More than a great weekend - a totally fantastic weekend.
I was right!
Except with the punctuation Lisa!
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