Or at least it is between the months of August through to May. The rest of the time I may feel able to write about something other than a not especially successful football team.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I don't think I am the only blogger
who tries to keep their blogging secret from their family so should I be worried that my daughter when out shopping with me today insisted on buying a book called 'Looking for JJ'?
Sometimes one needs to get things off one's chest that it would be better for those in one's "real life" not to hear. I understand completely. Unfortunately, I'm not as anonymous as I'd like and live in fear of discovery.
Formerly known as Just Jane, but with a blog move carried out in haste I managed to end up with a blog nickname I hate..J bloody J. Oh well, too late to do anything about it now. Call me what you will. So apart from a stupid title I have three off spring, one very special bloke, lots of friends, a great family, a job I love and a rubbish football team who I love too. I also have a tendency to go on abit.....you have been warned.
Pickled Onion
Via the excellent Beatles Books Podcast twitter page.
*"The Beatles eat fish and chips during the filming of a promo film for ‘I
Feel Fine’, 23rd November ...
The One Where Ricky Gervais Got a 2.2
I noticed that Wikipedia still lists Ricky Gervais as having a 2.1. Since
I sat next to him at the ceremony and received, like every other graduate
Bus passes
One of the good things about being sixty plus is that you are entitled to a
bus pass, which means that, within Wales, your bus journeys are free of
charge ...
Poems l Me Mam's going gently into that good night She's not raging against
the dying of the light She's lost the power of speech She's lost the will
to fi...
and yes I said yes I will Yes.
OK, so my good intentions didn't get many posts written, eh? Of course,
like everyone registered to vote in Scotland, I've been a bit preoccupied
just rece...
Broccoli and the art of skiving
"Do you like broccoli?"
Nine times out of ten it's not a question any of us would struggle with. In
my case it's: "Fresh purple sprouting yes, big green lu...
Hotting up
Back in the land of the living!!!! Well it's all hotting up nicely at the
end of the season.Some teams already know their fate, whether good or bad,
but so...
oh hello!
I can write things on my blog again. The little pencil icon vanished and I
couldn't be arsed to faff around trying to post stuff by going into my
No Bad Bein a Scot
Ah've just come doon fae the Isle o Skye....It's late May and i didnae
expect closed bridges, broken trees and a big fat lorry lyin on its side
but shit l...
Twat *
So we head off in ex's car to take the boy and his mate to the Big Chill
festival. I stayed for the weekend last year and had a great time, but I
have deci...
Cheap video time again!
walking down the main Sydenham high street I saw one of the charidee shops
with videos at a bargain 50p each, and an even bigger bargain of four for a
why do you keep your blogging secret from your family then?
Because it's a dirty secret!
I'm anonymous too.
You can't blog freely if people who live in your house/close family read it.
I'm not really from Liechtenstein either!
Sorry aboot the handbag JJ. Dirty theiving scumbags.
why can't you blog freely- I don't understand?
It is awful to admit this but I often think people who read this know me better than some members of my own family do.
Reasons are very complex Gill, and are all to do with a rather complicated home situation in which I find myself.
Spunky - whaddya mean you're not from Liechtenstein!!?? Another image shattered! And thanks re handbag.
ooh! Now you have piqued my curiousity and I won't be satisfied until you dish the dirt!
word verification is ahuildde which I am sure means something profound in gaelic.
Sometimes one needs to get things off one's chest that it would be better for those in one's "real life" not to hear. I understand completely. Unfortunately, I'm not as anonymous as I'd like and live in fear of discovery.
Steg-Now I am really curious-what things do you have to get off your chest that people close to you shouldn't know?? Are you not a real beetle then?
I am a secret blogger!
Only Nat's mum knows I blog, some friends know that I do but wouldnt have foggiest where or how!
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