I am home alone like Kevin McAllister. Shirley went off with a bunch of
local women friends yesterday. They have rented a house in a small coastal
town c...
6 hours ago
Or at least it is between the months of August through to May. The rest of the time I may feel able to write about something other than a not especially successful football team.
why do you keep your blogging secret from your family then?
Because it's a dirty secret!
I'm anonymous too.
You can't blog freely if people who live in your house/close family read it.
I'm not really from Liechtenstein either!
Sorry aboot the handbag JJ. Dirty theiving scumbags.
why can't you blog freely- I don't understand?
It is awful to admit this but I often think people who read this know me better than some members of my own family do.
Reasons are very complex Gill, and are all to do with a rather complicated home situation in which I find myself.
Spunky - whaddya mean you're not from Liechtenstein!!?? Another image shattered! And thanks re handbag.
ooh! Now you have piqued my curiousity and I won't be satisfied until you dish the dirt!
word verification is ahuildde which I am sure means something profound in gaelic.
Sometimes one needs to get things off one's chest that it would be better for those in one's "real life" not to hear. I understand completely. Unfortunately, I'm not as anonymous as I'd like and live in fear of discovery.
Steg-Now I am really curious-what things do you have to get off your chest that people close to you shouldn't know?? Are you not a real beetle then?
I am a secret blogger!
Only Nat's mum knows I blog, some friends know that I do but wouldnt have foggiest where or how!
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