Petra died!!!???
I'm with Biddy Baxter on this one. The news would absolutely have been too traumatic for me to handle aged 3. I am having enough trouble dealing with the news now.
I am home alone like Kevin McAllister. Shirley went off with a bunch of
local women friends yesterday. They have rented a house in a small coastal
town c...
6 hours ago
Absolutely. A whole generation of kids in floods of tears.
But it was only one episode.
And John Noakes was a woman.
Lordy, how old?
Not having grown up with pets i was spared too much trauma but got it vicariously from the tortoises of Blue Peter... But Petra? Awh...
There's no news like old news! Did you really expect Petra to live till 2007? In dog years she'd be around 250 by now!
Ah but I'm working class...we all watched Magpie!
Pah, us proper working class didn't have a telly! Jane many apologies but I've just tagged you!
Excellent. That article brought back happy memories of Janet Ellis telling us about the garden-vandalism incident. Happy days indeed. I haven't laughed so much in yonks.
John Noakes wasn't a woman! He died on set and they did voodoo on him and brought him back as a zombie.
Valerie Singleton WAS a man in drag though.
Wasn't there something about our Valerie and Virginia Wade? Or was that story just Reidski winding me up?
I was a bit too old for Magpie but I remember being quite taken with the guy with curly hair what ever his name was - he was cool!
Jim, no worries - one of my dark secrets is I secretely crave being tagged - it gives me some thing to write about!
Mick Robertson! He was my lust object for years!!
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