Today's edition looks at protest songs and U2 get a mention for ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’. Thank you Guardian for the reminder of what Alan Partridge had to say about that track.
"It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn’t it?”.

Or at least it is between the months of August through to May. The rest of the time I may feel able to write about something other than a not especially successful football team.
That's just fantastic - and typical of Mr Partridge/Coogan.
I'm grinning like an idiot here.
Sundays always bring about a touch of ennui in my household. Even the cat spends most of the day asleep in his basket. Yes I know he's a cat and that's what cats do, but he is certainly more lazy on a Sunday.
Word ver is gunnailg which is a great word but my brain isn't working too well today so can't think of a meaning.
I'm always a little puzzled by these lists. I think they're basically just self-indulgent journalism. ;)
Sunday song? It has to be The Monkees 'Pleasant Valley Sunday' for me, probably because I first heard it when I was quite young and impressionable.
Pleasant alley Sunday is a great song (I'm rather fond of the Monkees anyway) - glad you brouht outthe Alan Partridge quote -- I wondered if you might!
JJ, do you get the feeling that, sometimes, some people miss the point?
Trousers - glad you liked it as much as I do.
Karen - Sunday for me revolves around housework - I would far rather it revolved around staying in bed all day.
Jay - agree about the list thing - I bet the journalists love putting them together - and they get paid for it - lucky sods!
Lisa - I am never able to resist an Alan Partridge moment.
Reidski - you know the way my mind works. I fear I may leave many other people vaguely confused.
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