Tuesday, October 07, 2008


says it all as far as I am concerned on the subject of Sarah Palin.


Anonymous said...

Cheers for posting that. The word keeps needing to get out no matter how many times. I thought I was embarrassed to be a US citizen with 'W' before but this is 'gosh darn' humiliating! Keep posting whatever you find & fingers crossed that the repubs don't make it. That article was right -- it's beyond joke & parody. It's a waking nightmare that might come true. Pray for us over here....

J.J said...

Oh Marc - Palin as VP. What a horrendous prospect for us all!

Reidski said...

As life forms from other planets go, I think she's one of the better ones.

On a more serious note, who is more dangerous? McCain for wanting to blow up Iran or Palin for wanting to club seals?

Oh, wait, she wants to club seals AND blow up Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Russia ....

J.J said...

Thanks Reidski for those reassuring thoughts. :-(

Gill said...

'deputy dawg with a forked tongue!' I wish I'd said that. I laughed so much my gall bladder ached :-)

J.J said...

Gill, glad you are out of hospital - and hope you don't have to wait too long to get the damn gall bladder out.