this article and try not to cry.
I have never seen a handgun in all my life. What the hell is going on when the police say they are looking for someone aged between 13 and 15?
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11 hours ago
Are you saying it would have been less tragic if he had been shot by someone in their twenties? I don't get the qualitative difference the age of the assailant is deemed to make. Maybe it is because I have never been a believer in childhood innocence, which I think is a cultural construct, probably from the Victorian era.
Hi Messalina. I was only thinking that I can't begin to understand how someone of that age could ever be in possession of a hand gun.
im not being heartless to the young lad who died or his family but i bet the media wouldnt giving that much of a toss if he had been black.
if he had have been we wouldve seen the reporters insinuating things about his past etc by now.
yThe front page of the Independant yeseterday by Camilla Batnengellia
(total apology for bad spelling, when she is so amazing)sums it up, we have to start long before the children are old enough to get hold of guns, we have to start before with disaffected adults before pregnancy.We have to learn how to get back to fundemental caring for ourselves and our fellow man, black, caucsian, or any other skin tone.
My 16 yr old with attitude, who infroms me he knows someone, who knows someone who could get him a gun, and we live in a very sleepy backwater, is incensed at the stupidity of kids pretending be gansters, then maybe there is a glimmer of hope somewhere.
But I'm not sure it's got bad enough yet for a real change to happen, it's still all political hot air apart from the dedicated few like Camilla who are trying to make a positive change.
I do know what you are saying Cookie, but I think there have been certain murders - eg Jesse James, Damiola Taylor, Charlene Ellis, and Letisha Shakespeare to name a few, which have produced a similar reaction from the public and media alike.
Pixie, Reidski tells me kids where he lives pretend to have limps in order to convey the impression they are 'cool enough' to have been shot. I have worked with very disaffected kids, but still can't imagine how these things are happening...although I have met their parents too. Hummm......
They do that - although, now I think about it, not sure I see it that much these days. Maybe it was last year's thing. Whatever, they are arseholes and my lad just thinks it's hilarious when he sees them.
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