Caller: "I just found out my dad got another woman pregnant so I have a half brother. Can you find him for me? He was adopted. I don't know what his surname was, but his first name was Kenneth. He would be in his early 20's. "
Me: "Well that narrows it down."
.....I'm not that bloody good.
She did think she knew the woman's first name - but she couldn't be sure.
So I told her to sod off and stop bothering me ;-)
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Slight digression from the OP JJ - sorry - but thought you'd appreciate this headline .. if not the story!
Hilarious: what on earth do you mean you can't divine from her information (excellent as it was) how to locate that precious half-brother?!!! classic
Nice caring attitude there, JJ! lol ;)
Hiya Kev - and thanks for that cracking headline! Actually I think Motherwell will be after US for compensation when they find out just what a lazy fuck they have got with Giles Coke.
Lisa - aye - I am bleeding useless aren't I? ;-)
Oh yes Jenny - I am all heart :-)
she knew you are wonder woman of course!
Ah, you're all heart JJ!
Have to join Gill on that one, we all think you are Wonder Woman.
Gill and Joe - clearly word of my psychic powers has spread!
Moo - I 'heart' you though!
You mean you can't trace the two illegitimate children one of my aunts had ... er ... sometime in the late fifties/early sixties, in London? Sorry, no idea what the father's name was, where she had them, what she named them or what happened to them, except that they were adopted.
Darn it. I was relying on you! ROFL!
Oh Jay - if it helps I can tell you quite categorically that your aunt's children were either male or female.
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