My favourite obsession - yes, I have been on the Daily Mail website AGAIN - has photos of Jerry Hall on the beach. Aged 53, shock, horror, the Daily Mail who is so notoriously hard to please when it comes to women's bodies, is quite impressed.
But not so all their commentators. I give you the words of 'A' from Aldershot:
She looks nothing at all special to me. And if she didn't have all that money and time to spend on herself i dread to think what she'd look like. Sorry, but it is a fact that a woman's appeal fades away over the age of around 40, whereas a man can remain ferttile and attractive into his 80s. I'm 82, my girlfriend is 29 and a model.
- a, Aldershot, 15/7/2009 8:44
Any suggestions as to how one could respond politely to such a total arsehole/ fantastist?
Or should we just torture him to death?
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going to be presented with ten questions from a guest quiz setter. She is
2 hours ago
Hopefully he'd cop his whack wi a heart attack if he ever got the chance to actually shag (is that word okay?) a 29 year old. He's clearly a deluded wanker.
The Daily Mail, though? Why do you do it to yourself? Its sole purpose is to promote fascism and annoy all the cool cats.
Leave poor old Mick Jagger alone....;-)
Naldo - 'shag' is of course OK as a word, but as an image of an 82 year old man with a woman of 29 is most distasteful!
As to why do I do the DM thing to myself I have no answer. All I know is taht it certainly fulfills those two purposes.
Steve - you made me laugh out loud :-)
The best way to treat such people is to ignore them, you know that. They thrive on attention.
Say nowt, my dear. ;)
You are a wise woman Jay :-)
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