As you know I live in the sticks. Therefore it is not every day that I am at the same house party as a comedy legend. Last Saturday however....
Reidski and I were at a party in Kentish Town. We had been there long enough to have knocked back more that one glass of champagne so my defences were not at their sharpest when I saw this man walk into the kitchen. You know when you look at someone and just know that you know them, but you can not place them? I had that moment - and was smiling in welcome at this familiar face approaching me and smiling back with what I now recognise must be a 'This is how I smile at complete strangers when they know who I am' sort of smile. It took me a little while for my brain to process the information that I was smiling at TRIGGER!!!!
I did talk to him later but as the subject was the difficulty of using a knife and fork to eat whilst standing up at a party I fear I may have failed to dazzle him with my own brand of wit and repartee.
For this special Quiztime, something unusual is about to happen. You are
going to be presented with ten questions from a guest quiz setter. She is
2 hours ago
That's flippin magic. Trigger's a bit of a hero. I hope he was a good lad and tittered appreciateively at your hilarious observations on cutlery, its use and misuse. Sounds like you move in mighty smooth social circles.
I was once at a ceilidh which was also attended by Trevor and Simon (aka the Sister Brothers). They seemed like good guys and i like to think they were impressed by my Dashing White Sergeant.
This may surprise you Deirdre but Trigger was not real! It was just a part played by an actor called Roger Lloyd Pack. That is who you saw - not Trigger!
Hi, found my way here from God knows where! I love your attitude. The 360 degree post was ahoot - I hated doing that shite too! I live in south Northants so your comments about the Uni made me laugh - I do the OU - much better! I'll be back to read more. Imagine meeting Trigger though! I love that character.
Did I ever tell you about bumping into June Whitfield in Golden Square and engaging her in conversation before realising that I didn't know her? I thought she must be a mother of a friend until it slowly dawned on me who she was. She was very nice and not at all fazed, unlike me.
Naldo _ I for oen woudl pay good money to see your Dashing White Sergeant.
YP - who on earth is this Roger Lloyd Pack of whom you speak? ;-)
Hiya MOB and welcome, welcome, welcome to a near neighbour. I 100% echo what you say about the OU. I did one qualification with them and the contrast is (struggles for tactful description) 'significant'.
Lucy! Is it you???? and no you didn't tell me but that is a great story!
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