from David Blunkett:
"I know the public are furious with politicians, but I didn't realise the anger has spread to Britain's cow population, too."
For this special Quiztime, something unusual is about to happen. You are
going to be presented with ten questions from a guest quiz setter. She is
2 hours ago
It's the last bit which stood out for me :A spokesman for the Sheffield MP said: "He has a broken rib and has painful bruising.
"He is now making his way down to London extremely slowly to attend the Parliamentary Labour Party meeting this evening.
You might've thought they'd have laid on some transport for him.
Of course Blunkett has tangled with a cow before - his American mistress who seemingly ruined his career - but who's to say he won't have a comeback...
I wonder if he'll sue the farmer?
Even cows have sense then!
Yes Trousers - bit harsh wasn't it?
YP - I used ot think Blunkett was great when he was Leader of Sheffield Council. We women can turn a man's head of course....
Jay - one of those ambulance chasing companies have probably already been in touch offering a nice 'No win, no fee' package!
Fire Byrd -
trained by the Tory farmer no doubt!
I read an article in the Independent about this and I was quite pleased by his sense of humour, in that the cow was acting on the behalf of a disgruntled nation!
he was funny wasn't he Karen?
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