is that inevitably there comes a time in life when you find yourself moaning that 'things were so much better when I was a lass.' So here, to try and sound like 21st Century Woman is something that was so much worse when I was a lass.....
Going to the Dentist.
Now those four little words were absolutely guaranteed to strike terror into my younger self to such a degree that my mum stopped actually telling me about any dental appointment until the last possible minute. I suffered at the dentist as a child. I can still hear the hideous drill, remember how vile having fillings was, recall how awful having an x-ray was with chunks of plate stuck in my mouth that were too big for my cheeks, and how sick I was after having the gas to knock me out before they took four of my teeth from my overcrowded mouth. Even as a young adult the horror of having two wisdom teeth extracted at the dentist and the bottom tooth having to be drilled into little pieces to get the bloody thing out whilst the radio played 'Didn't we have a lovely day the day we went to Bangor?' will be with me till my dying day.
I forgot until this morning that we all have to go to the dentist today. I told the kids. My sub conscious memories prepared me for a hysterical reaction. "Yeah - fine." they say.
It occurs to me that the three of them have absolutely no idea that going to the dentist can equal pain. D and H have had 1 filling each and didn't feel a thing. J has had a worse time having to have 4 teeth out and a brace to straighten out his teeth, but he chose to go through all that and now has perfect teeth. He doesn't associate the dentist with pain either as any discomfort he experienced was at home when his teeth were shifting around.
So I don't have to worry at all about my kids going to the dentist. One day I am sure that I too will get over the residual fear.
There is a post script to this. When we were waiting at the dentist's reception a woman came through the door and her phone rang. Her ring tone was the theme to Psycho. Everyone cracked up laughing.
The majority of people in this world have heard about Stonehenge - the
jewel in Britain's archaeological crown. Still mysterious, new things about
19 hours ago
urgh even reading this brought on THE FEAR!
I share your dentophobia absolutely. How come when I was a kid all dentists had horrible teeth and bad breath and only asked you questions when your mouth was full of ironmongery? What sort of a human being chooses to be a dentist? I'd rather be a mortician or a rat catcher.
I can honestly say I LOVE going to the dentist, my dentist is loverly! But, because I have never had to have any fillings or any work done to my teethy that may be the reason why I love going so much!
OH, thanks, I didn't need those memories of yesteryear. I had bad habits as a kid, and as a result my mouth is more silver fillings than teeth. I still do not like going, even though I know the poor guy is doing his best.
Dentists have the highest rate of suicide of any profession in the US, guess most people still don't like them.
Dentists URGH!
And my kids like yours have no fear and perfect teeth.
Me I start feeling panicky when I just have to have my teeth cleaned. It's the noise it's just so scary.
Case proven I think as Moo - you are the youngest commentator and you love your dentist. Consider yourself blessed to be born in a time when dentists became civilised.
Hi, found you on Kahless's site. DENTISTS! Oh. My. Gods! Hate them 'cos they always hurt me, every single time I need anything done...
yes! apparently they have new modern needles that create less drag on the way in, and don't hurt at all!
I am more terrified of going to the dentist as an adult than as a child. Typing this out and I now have butterflies in my gut. But then I didnt need much work done as a child. I remember as a child the gas room.
I have got a dental appt this wed am.
Welcome D.J. Nice to see you here and I promise never to mention the dentist again if you call again.
Dandelion - truly the wonder of technological advance.
Oh Kahless, that awful awful gas. Good luck for Wednesday and see what Dandelion said above for reassurance!
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