Saturday, January 26, 2008

Question for the day

OK - I know we had a power cut last night and strange things can happen in the pitch dark, but why is there a dried up chip in my make up bag?

I am a very happy Cobbler this morning btw.We were SO good last night that I suspect the entire side will be drug tested this morning for evidence of performance enhancing medication.


Greg said...

You raise an interesting point. Why is there a dried-up chip in your make-up bag? Chips and make-up bags don't tend to be utilised in the same rooms, so how did it get there? Could it be a deliberate plant by someone hoping to catch you when you're not at your most alert?

If not, I blame eddies in the time-space continuum.

Gill said...

Q why is a chip in your make up bag?
A The universal ladyboy left it in exchange for a try out of your mascara.

Reidski said...

that's where my missing chip went ...

Gill said...

Watson my dear chap- who in your vicinity likes chips and might have had a sneaky ratch around in your make up bag when they thought no one was looking? Elementary!

J.J said...

Well, having interviewed all my off spring under caution, I have narrowed the culprit down to Reidski or the Universal Ladyboy.

Though son number two's eye lashes do look suspiciously long and lush????