Wednesday, December 12, 2007


the author of this article is single.

And likely to remain so I would say.


Anonymous said...

Ouch!! This twat's pretty brutal --interesting that there wasn't a picture of him included!!

Kevin Williamson said...

"I am a massive fan of British women." All 30 million of them? That must take up a lot of her time.

JoeinVegas said...

Well, 461 comments there, not many positive (didn't read them all though). But American women spending over 10,000 pounds per year on that stuff? For most that would be a major part of their income, probably greater than their housing allotment (unless they live in Manhattan).
Sorry, I haven't been around British women but as far as his comparison on this side I would say it is way off.

J.J said...

Marc - I am sure there is no picture because he is a god like creature who is sparing us British women the agony of seeing He Who Could Not Love Us.

Kev - speaking as a British woman myself( ;-) ) - we can do without fans like that twat.

Joe - I can only assume he never ventures outside of Hollywood.